Answering Children’s Unanswerable Questions
Giving children an answer to questions such as why evil people cause suffering for others, is a question on many of our minds today. The answer is simple – evil people want to make others suffer. But that answer has no comforting power. So how can you, who is as confused as they, find the right words to put their minds at ease? How can you say “every thing is going to be OK” if you aren’t sure that it will be? Being honest with your children is of utmost importance if they are to trust you. Giving children the type of assurance that will put their minds at rest by letting them know that they are loved, cared for and appreciated, will help them, and you, find comfort at this time. None of us have control to change the minds of those who are determined to bring destruction where we least expect it. We do have control over what we say and how we act. Be the role model in your child’s life that will make their world, and ours, a better place.